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Workforce Development

Learning about a career in construction is viable for young people as well as those looking for a new opportunity.

ACCNJ works with programs like Junior Achievement and Future City to educate middle school students about the choices they can make for a career path in construction as well as the value of applying what they're learning in the classroom.

High school students are encouraged to participate in Construction Industry Career Day. This event encourages attendees to Explore, Learn and Enjoy a day where they can try their hand at the trades, while learning about the college path for management careers in areas such as civil engineering and construction engineering technology. CICD reminds attendees the construction industry doesn't offer jobs... it provides careers!

ACCNJ also participates in industry sponsored programs such as the Carpenters 3-1-1 incorporated into the carpentry class at Barringer High School in Newark. This unique opportunity allows high school students to learn from seasoned professionals in a job site environment, while learning about the skill sets needed for a career in carpentry.

For college students, ACCNJ works with the CIAP structure to offer a paid summer internship program, along with scholarships upon successful completion of a 12-week internship. This competitive process is open to college students enrolled in their sophomore or junior year prior to the summer of participation. Applications are online:

Serving on the Middlesex County Workforce Development Board is a way in which ACCNJ supports workforce development for job seekers. MCWDB has created pathways and programs suitable for unemployed and underemployed to find meaningful employment opportunities.

Jobsite tours, guest speakers, support of events and serving on industry Advisory Committees/Boards are all ways ACCNJ staff and members continually give back to the communities in which we live and work.

Check out our CAREER BROCHURE for information on the union trades and colleges in the area offering degree related programs.


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